
бул. "Дондуков" № 64

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Course dates:

I would like to attend the following DELTA Module Two - Blended Learning Module course

Personal details


(if different from above)

Please give contact details of a person to contact in case of emergency: name, address, mobile phone and email address.

Medical information

Do you have / Have you had a medical condition we need to know about (including psychological conditions)?

Education and qualifications

Please state when and where you studied and give details (name of school/university/college and qualifications gained).



Knowledge of other languages:

Work experience (write in chronological order with most recent first)

Employer: Position: From (month/year): To (month/year):

Please fill in the following section only if you are based in Sofia

Name and address of School/Organisation at which you hope to work during the course:

  • Is your school able to provide classes with an average of 5 to 10 adult students at significantly different levels throughout the period of the course?
  • How many hours teaching per week do you expect to have during the period of the programme?

ELT experience

Country School Dates Age range Level Materials

Other relevant experience

  • How did you find out about the DELTA courses at AVO Language & Examination Centre?
    (website, Internet search engine, word of mouth - please give as many details as possible)
  • Are you applying to centres other than AVO Language & Examination Centre?
  • Any other information which you think is relevant to this application?


Please give the name, address, telephone number and email address of two referees who would be prepared to give relevant support to this application.

Pre-interview task

  • Please outline some of the general principles that lie behind your teaching and examples of how you apply them in the classroom. Please include examples from different levels and types of classes. The recommended length is 650 - 750 words.

Please note

  • if you leave before the end of the course your fee is non-refundable
  • 100% attendance is required
  • acceptance onto the course does not guarantee success: we screen applicants carefully, but inevitably some candidates fail
  • it is highly recommendable that you have prepared to do or you have already done DELTA Module 1

Terms of payment

Please do not pay anything until you have been interviewed, accepted and offered a place on a course.

  • Applicants who successfully complete the interview stage of the application process will be offered a place on one of our DELTA courses.
  • Once a place has been offered, it can only be confirmed when a non-refundable deposit of 300 GBP has been paid within 3 days of the interview.
  • If the candidate is paying via bank transfer an amount of 20 GBP should be transferred to cover the candidate’s bank charges.
  • The deposit is not an additional fee and is deducted from the total costs.
  • The balance of the full DELTA course fee must be paid up to 2 weeks before the course start date

I will pay the non-refundable deposit (please tick the appropriate):

Cancellation of your application

  • Notice of cancellation must be made in writing.
  • If written notice of withdrawal is given 4 weeks or more prior to the start of the course, we will retain only the non-refundable deposit.
  • If written notice of withdrawal is given between 2 and 4 weeks prior to the start of the course, 50% of the fees will be returned to the applicant.
  • If written notice of withdrawal is given less than 2 weeks prior to the start of the course, no refund of fees is made.
  • All refunds will be made in the currency you have paid. Any bank or other charges payable will be deducted from the money refunded to you.


I hereby declare that all the information I have given on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and that any written work submitted is my own.

Date: 4th March 2025
A copy of this form will be e-mailed to you.

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